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Half Way There

Half Way There

GM everyone,

Whenever you are on a journey with a group of people; make sure you are mindful of the fact that your bodies will leave the place of departure at the same time, but everyone’s mind may not be traveling at the same speed. Moreover its quite possible that someone’s mind may still be in the place of departure, even half way to the destination.
Its the same thing that happens if you are forced to go on a family trip right before a big event you had plans to attend.
It keeps your mind thinking about the event.
It is not possible to go forward while looking backward!! So make up your mind and as for those around you that keep encouraging you to go back where you are coming from. Tell them if you love it so much; why don’t you go back?
Enjoy “half way there” as you prepare yourself for the distractions that are coming your way.

Please click ‘play’ for audio:

By Rev J X Ledgister

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