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Perfect Timing

Perfect Timing

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Ecclesiastes‬ ‭9:11‬ ‭NIV‬‬

“I have seen something else under the sun: The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong, nor does food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favor to the learned; but time and chance happen to them all.”
King Solomon arguably the wisest man to ever live is writing about the order of life and we don’t have to listen to him right? I mean what does he know, he is only the wisest man to walk the earth! In this passage he is saying that after exhausting the limits of wisdom and stretching the boundaries of knowledge he has come to a conclusion. That conclusion is: the things that we experience in life happen as a result of chance and time. Upon researching the word chance, then the word opportunity comes to the surface. Why is that important? Give me a moment and I’ll show you why.

Dear Lord help us today to understand that perfect timing is also about being in the right place. If I have job interview at Microsoft and I’m told to be in room b on the 4th floor at 8am Monday morning. If I go to room b on the 14th floor at 8am, I will miss my opportunity to be hired because even though its the right time, I am in the wrong place.

I’ve realize that Leaving home at 8am in the morning I encounter the same set of people, the same guy at bus stop with the black hat, the same boy with the orange jacket going to school, even the same red car every day at the same light. All of this is as a result of the time we all leave home and the time we are required to be at our destination.
After much reasoning I have concluded that If I would leave home at a different time everyday and do that for a month, then I would get the same results with a different set of people.
I realized then destiny is about being in the right place at the right time.
I have news for you though, if you are destined for greatness; you will realize that as time progresses you cannot fit into the puzzle of society 
If the architect of of destiny has blueprinted your life with purpose.
Now this may not happen right away, but at some point 
You may even start to feel empty no matter how much weight is in your pockets. I have a couple questions for you though.

Are you using quick fixes the fill the void in you everyday?
Are you smoking or drinking
Or taking some drug or using sex as drug to fill the void in you or better yet are you always quick to accept invitations to be engaged in some public outing cuz you feel alone?
One more question
Its not working is it?

Let me explain to you what you are doing. The only difference between being at home and going out, is that now…you are publicly alone.
 Lets face it
Your the only one that hears the loud decibels of silence
Because it echoes the emptiness you feel every where you go. And now your looking at everyone suspiciously cuz your wondering if the awkwardness  of your heart is expressed in the beats of life. And anytime people ask you if your ok, your very quick to reply. Why dont I look ok??? You’ve become master at evading questions that expose how you feel. The questions I am asking is right in your ball park, but its more convenient for you to evade the truth and account this to just mere co-incidents

Well the way interpret co-incidents is like this: incidents working together in a matter of co-operation, hence the prefix
Co-before the word incidents 
So get this, they are co-operating or working together.
So you see, co-incidents is a series of events working together in the perfect timing.

I wanna talk to you a little bit about time.
In the ancient greek there is a word called chronos
Chronos is the root of our english word chronological which in its simplest form is broken down
Logical time (Chrono-Logical)
Chrono meaning quantity or the amount of time. So our every day 24 clock reflects the chronos time.

Then there is another word called 
Kairos and Kairos means 
The right or opportuned moment
Kairos refers to a season in which things happen.  The word
Season is mentioned in the earlier part of the book from
Which we draw of scripture today.
“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens:”

‭‭this scripture envelopes both the sequential time  which is chronos and the opportuned or seasonal time which is Kairos
So Chronos signifies that life has a sequence and and if we are going to fulfilled  we must look for the kairos in the chronos
 simply put we must look for the opportunity in the sequence
Of time.

I wanna share something with you, some of you are sleeping right now.
Its 1am.
So here’s my story I was having some vehicle trouble and it turns out it makes more sense to get a new car than to fix the old one. So as I’m putting together this devotion a friend stopped by 
Your probably thinking so why is that important???
I’ll tell you why!!!
Just last night as I finished the devotion
“Love on a different” level I spoke to God about 2 cars I was considering.
I said i’m stuck between two cars I need your guidance….not because God is driving the car…ofcourse not he does not need it, but because he’s sees the future and also knows the experience I would have with both.
Well here’s what happened.
My friend showed up with one of the cars I was considering…the same exact model,the same year,same exact features and the exact color. It turns out he took his car in for a check up today and they told him its on recall and they gave him this car to get around. 
Whats that I hear…opportunity
For what exactly????…for a test drive of course…
What are the chances that these set of events unfolded the day after I prayed for direction?????
You think its a co-incidents?
If By co-incidents you mean that my prayer put his car on re-call and gave him the same exact model,same exact year,same color,same features that I was praying about, never mind the dealership told him he would only have it for 2 hours and its been a whole day…
If by co-incidents you mean that he happened to walk in at the moment when I am doing this devotion about perfect timing. 
Then yea you may be right it is definitely a co-operation of incidents. 
But the bigger question is Who controls incidents??? And who makes them co-operate???
And keep in mind my friend lives in another city and he didn’t have to stop by, his visit is un-expected and he would get his car back in the morning..
I dont know about you, but I would call that perfect timing.

Satisfaction doesn’t come from a full bank back account cuz you can have a full back account and still have an empty soul. Satisfaction comes from fulfillment in soul.
That word full-filled is broken down like this
The full feeling is as a result of your efforts and the filled feeling is as a result of God pouring into your life.
Full happens when something from the outside enters your inside
Like food.
But filled happens when you are connected to a purpose that can never run dry. There we have it full and filled.

It is settles then
As long As time is satisfied by you then you will be satisfied in time….

Do you hear that???
It seems to me like the chronos is in place all we need now is the co-operate with some incidents to create a perfect opportunity and then we will have perfect timing.

By Rev J. X. Ledgister

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