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The Eyes of Understanding

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Mark 6:4

‘Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor except in his own town, among his relatives and in his own home.”‘

This statement made the religious leaders of Jesus time very angry, because they could only see him as the carpenter’s son.

Dear Lord,

Help me today to recognize your voice and to accept your word no matter how you choose to speak. As I am facing obstacles, help me not to assume which way you will communicate, however help me to be receptive to your voice and not just your face. If you should speak through situations that are unfavorable or through someone who is not esteemed by society, help me to be humble enough to hear your words. Moreover help me not to be distracted by the appearance of the vessel of your choice, because what is important is not whether or not I have approved your choice. What is important is that you are speaking. Moreover God the truth is you don’t need my approval, because you are God all by yourself. So it is with this conviction that I say “SPEAK LORD”, I will gladly listen with my heart and will not allow what I think to hinder my heart from seeing with the eyes of understanding.

Rev J. X. Ledgister

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